Jumping Down the Rabbit Hole

Have I gone mad?
I’m afraid so, you’re entirely BONKERS,
but I’ll tell you a secret – all the best people are!!
You know what the issue is with this world?
Everyone wants some magical solution to their problems & everyone refuses to believe in magic!
– Alice in Wonderland
Every adventure requires a first step.
– Cheshire Cat
2019 for many will be the year of exposure and truths – on many levels.
Jumping down the Rabbit Hole may seem far fetched, weird or doesn’t even make sense – yet look around, the world has become insane and much doesn’t make sense today……..if you are awakening or starting to wake up and question things.
We’ve been fed many lies, programs, deceptions to keep us from knowing who we really are.
GMO’s, Vaccines, Fake News, Veganism, TV show (programming) Advertising (need this or not good enough themes), Banking system (got to understand Fractual Banking) and the Healthcare system (really the sick care system).
Once you jump down the Rabbit Hole you realize that there are many many tunnels.
It’s interesting, frustrating and yet so liberating at the same time.
The best part is once you truly jump down the Rabbit Hole and start waking up and becoming more aware you also become more empowered.
The more you look at so called ‘ reality’ you can see thru the lies, programs and deceptions yet not get caught up in it.
I can’t wait to share more about the Rabbit Hole and the Soul from a different perspective.
The Rabbit Hole is actually a lot of fun – the more that jump in the sooner we get to the tipping point and planet Earth needs many more to wake up!!
PS – I can’t go back to yesterday, as I was a different person then.
– Lewis Carroll