I have been having a thing lately for Kelp Noodles.  They aren’t easy to find, at least where I live, so I order them on line from Real Raw Food in BC here, but you might have better luck where you live.

I have been creating all sorts of fun dishes with them lately.  They don’t have a strong taste, yet have lots of minerals and they are somewhat crunchy, so you may not enjoy them, but they are raw.  You can always substitute the kelp noodles with zucchini or radish or whatever else you prefer.

What you will probably find over time or are finding, that the more raw meals you make and eat, the easier it becomes.  Not only in the making but also the clean up,  I am beginning to think that this is fast food!!

Kelp Noodle Spinach Pasta

Chop up a big handful of spinach and put in a bowl

Drizzle over spinach cold pressed sesame oil and a dash of salt. Mix together with your hand, sort of crunch the spinach. Set aside.

I will also take out the serving size of Kelp Noodles that I need and put it in a dish of very warm water, so that the noodles warm up a bit and aren’t cold.

Minced a clove of garlic and add to spinach.

Chop up 1 tomatoe, chop several kalamata black olives, I also added some hemp seeds, about 1 tbsp and chopped parsley, you can get creative and add more if you like, for instance red or orange pepper, green inion, mushrooms etc

Add into spinach and mix up.

Drain kelp noodles and put spinach mixture on top.


Very little clean up time and preperation time was probably less than 15 mins……..see what I mean!!

Have a super fantastic day!!


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