Let’s Get Real

Real Food grows, dies, rots,
Real food doesn’t need an ingredient label,
Real Food doesn’t make claims
– Michael Pollan
Eat Real Food to fuel your body – your beautiful body NOT to feed your emotions.

Real Emotions transcends language.
You don’t have to understand their words to feel their pain.
– Julia Roberts
Emotions don’t tell the truth.
Just because you have a feeling about something doesn’t mean it’s true – we are all running so many programs and most of them don’t support or even like us!
Emotions are Energy in Motion – unless you lock it into your body – deep breathing is always a god way to move thru them.

You know what is sexy? A real conversation!
– unknown
We have more conversations in our head than in our real lives especially ones from the heart.
I like people I can have really deep conversations with sometimes and yet still get silly with them too.
When we dive into the energy of things – IF Everything IS Energy and it is then lets get real – real with what we eat as our bodies do know the difference and can’t process fake foods hence dis-ease. Lets not be afraid of feeling our emotions and working with some great modalities that help move the energy out faster – it’s ok to feel them – journal about it, stomp in the forest, talk real with a friend, punch a punching bag or your pillow, dance and move to move the energy and just be kind to you and anyone else. 🙂 And lets talk have real, more meaningful, deeper conversations – not about the weather or politics please!!
Come from the heart for yourself and others – we don’t know what people are going through – especially women today – IF Everything IS Energy – what kind of energy are you being with you? Lets start there first!!
Much Love & Gratitude
PS Here is a great article for women and also don’t forget to check out my 21 Day Food & You program!!