
I know for many of us, markets could be a thing of the past with summer ending and well into fall!
I don’t know if you take the time to shop at markets or not but highly encourage you to do so.
I have been hearing from many people similar things like – ‘It must have been hard eating healthy while travelling?’

And the answer is NO!! (a post on that is coming soon too)
David and I live this lifestyle and it’s part of who we are. We don’t just do it when it’s convenient, or get sloppy about our health – as once you lose it, it is so hard to get back. And once you pass a certain point of eating, doing and being the health things you just can’t go back – basically you are awaken and you see the light and truth – there is no going back.

What does all that mean?
Many people think they are eating healthy because they shop at Whole Foods (watch this great video by the Health Ranger, it will open your eyes up and save you money!), or eat packaged foods labelled organic or gluten free, go to a yoga class several times a week, wear Lululemon and eat brunch on the weekend at the latest ‘in’ restaurant. Now I’m being fairly general yet trying to paint a picture -to some it’s part of being in the trend. To others it’s a lifestyle choice.

That type of scenario people are doing better than most, but many do it to look cool…….does one really understand true health, eating healthy, thinking / meditating and being true health and empowered?

What I am realizing is that it takes more than grabbing a juice at your favourite local bar (or off the shelf which to be honest is better than juices in general but for optimal nutrition – juice needs to be drank within an hour of it being pressed fyi for any optimal nutrition) or doing a couple of yoga classes a week – it’s not as much about the body or work out as it is a moving meditation where one takes the practice of non-judgment out in their every day world.

Most packaged foods are still processed even if the ingredients are healthier or organic. Please don’t get me wrong, I eat them too, I am not up on a soap box here, real health still comes down to eating mostly real foods, raw and alive foods, natural foods that aren’t loaded with lead or sprayed with other poisonous things, and of course non-gmo, adding in superfoods, minerals (not isolated ones), eating high quality proteins (yet not too much) from conscious sources, just to name some things.
Which brings me back to markets – this is where we can eat healthier – as most of it is real food. We can get to choose how we spend our dollars, support local farmers, eat what is in season and enjoy the creativity of who is there with some of their healthy food creations (outside of farmers growing organic, non-com foods). Connecting with people that love what they do (for the most part) , you can tell the difference by tasting their goods.
A lot if not most of the food these days I am finding at the markets is organic – woohoo!!
While on our travels we got the privilege of catching a few markets in different states and they were all great. All different, yet similar in that they have fresh foods grown by people who love what they do – they have to as not many will grow their own gardens – many also can’t today that I realize.
So if you live in an area where you can visit a market year round – do so!!
And for the ones that maybe missed the market this year – there’s next year – you won’t be disappointed.
We sampled (and bought) some of the best food I’ve ever tasted from the markets we went to while travelling and yes we have a cooler and I will post on ways to eat healthier and to make it easier while travelling !
Thanks for stopping by!!