Mercury Retrograde
Stop Paying Attention to What is Going on Around You

Don’t become too preoccupied by what is happening around you, Pay more attention to what is going on within you.

                    -Mary Frances Winters


Today, the day after winter Solstice is when Mercury comes out of Retrograde and is now in it’s shadow part.  I am not too much into Astrology – but maybe you noticed or felt it this time?? – this Retrograde was about reflecting, reviewing, revisiting on the past of 2017 and for some of us it was rather intense!

There is much on the internet for Astrology – Leo King, Kaypacha are my fav’s when I tap in.
Sometimes the Void is a Struggle – Just Surrender

Yet worth it!!

All good, yet not always easy as it feels like time is standing still.  For me I felt like I was in a void – once I realized this I knew I had to surrender and review.  When we can do that or spend some time in solitude, in nature, in quietness, in the question (not having an attachment or coming to conclusion) then we can allow in new energies, new thoughts, new beliefs and new ways of being for the coming year – 2018.

We learn to see and be from a new perspective which is a different energy which then creates a different life.  For me it has been extremely healing and expanding and growing!!

Quantum Physics and many people have proven that Everything IS Energy…….we ARE energy, consciousness, angels, souls or whatever other name you want to cal it – yet dressed up as a human while here on planet earth to learn some lessons, play, have fun, experience a wide range of emotions as once we return aka die – we go back to being pure love, light energy.

None of this will matter – as it’s ALL an illusion any ways……….a bit of a mind fuck isn’t it??  Yet when we approach it like that we won’t take it too seriously 🙂

What truly matters is how much did we love and how much were we able to give and be love.

It ALL starts with self.

Everything and Everyone is just a reflection back to us from our internal state of thinking and being.
Everything & Everyone IS Just a Reflection

Mercury rules the mind – our minds are very powerful – they are either working against us, with us or for us!!

Take some time before the end of 2017 to reflect and review to be able to be clear on what does work for you in your life and what doesn’t.

Create each day from the energy of being and feeling – joy, love, gratitude, bliss and whatever else that pleases you.

After all – it is YOUR life.!!


Much Love & Gratitude

Self Love is True Love

Self Love is NOT Selfish – You cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself!!