
I was born many times before,
And yet my time with you is something new.
For you awaken in me a spirit
that was longing to be alive
waiting for your connection.
I thought I knew how to play safe and stay within the boundaries
Only to realize that was not so.
That truly was not what real loving and living were about.
Yet you were there all the time for me
even when I hated, judged and criticized.
Reunited and together
we walked and broke down
the illusionary walls of separation
after I whispered to my body softly
‘I want to be your lover, your friend’
to which my body replied after a long deep sigh
‘I have been waiting my whole life for this moment’.
Love yourself and your body like you do another.
PS – Full Super Blue Moon – good time to clear the bs (belief systems) keeping you stuck in a reality where you aren’t in love with you or your body!!
21 Days Food & You – Let go of Emotional Eating once and for all!