Mind – Heart – Soul

Mind – I’m worried
Heart – Just relax
Mind – But I’m totally lost now
Heart – Just follow me
Mind – But you’ve never been there before
Heart – Trust me, You’ll love it
Soul – If the 2 of you would shut up, I will show you the map!!

The mind only knows programs and fears, the heart will never led you astray and the Soul knows the truth.
It knows why you are here and all your other lifetimes too. It knows your Path, and who you truly are.
Do you know who you are at Soul level?
Most of us have forgotten and taken this human role petty seriously.
Akashic Records are all about your Soul.
Greater possibilities than what you are living and being right now.
The DNA that they told us that 97% is junk also holds al your Soul information and higher levels of Consciousness.
Things to consider if you are moving in the path of higher Consciousness and a Higher Vibe of Living!!
PS Have you ever had an Akashic Reading? Your life may never be the same again!!