New Beginnings

When you stop and reflect back over your life it’s interesting to see where you’ve been and where you are if you are on the path of growth and awareness. You can clearly see when there are new beginnings!
Leave the past where it is – in the past!
I’ve gone through a lot of bs in my life. It’s not a judgment it just was and at some point I woke up to the fact that the common denominator is all of it was me!!!
I tried to fit in, play by the rules, pretending to be someone I really wasn’t as I never felt good enough. I lacked confidence, didn’t truly know who I was, lived in fear, doubt and anxiety (of even my own shadow). I was not allowed to make choices as a child on the clothes I would wear, how to have my hair, what to eat etc so as an adult do you think I could make choices?
Then I went into the public school system where even more of that got enforced.
Then a younger sibling came along who was a highly active energy baby – I was always a good girl and could play well by myself…….so I did……my mom was too worn out for time with me.
I was programmed that life is hard and you work hard – any job as most people don’t like their jobs just get one and do it.

Also programmed to hate my body, never speak up, battle with food as it was the enemy – restrict it (so actually you are restricting life) and when I couldn’t deal with things or needed to relax – have a drink or several……….
And I went looking for love in all the wrong places!!
I don’t blame anyone here just to be perfectly clear. I have and am working through my emotions and my ego and have taken responsibility for creating it and buying into other people’s beliefs, realities and programs.
I never knew I could create my own life– that is part of the experiment here on planet earth – coming back to our true, authentic selves and living from there – remembering who we truly be!
If it is not created in and from 100% love – it’s a big fat f*&@ing lie. Unfortunately most of us have lost what that truly is for ourselves.

I can only speak for me and it has taken me awhile to move through it and get it – hey I am still a work in progress – I just know where I’ve been, where I’m at and where I am going and it’s pretty amazing.
I have had the pleasure of being in Mexico now for 3months with one more to go. I had much growth, awareness, reflection time. I have tapped into deeper consciousness, done my Yoga Teacher training and since being in a place that also has nurtured my soul my creativity is blossoming!
I have created one on line program for dealing with emotional eating that will be on line next week. Followed by another one of taking it deeper and re-connecting with more of you! I’ve also expanded back into Coaching and have a Yoga Photo project that will be out later this summer.
Workshops coming and a retreat next winter. Creativity truly expanding!!
I am grateful for the journey even though it was not fun at times – it’s like my soul wanted to experience what it truly did not want so I could get VERY clear on what I truly desired AND who I truly am / be!!
In the fall, I let almost all of my possessions go, even my beautiful antiques. Releasing on the outside also releasing o the inside. I am now travelling with a suitcase for my clothing and my other baggage just got much lighter– and it’s so freeing!!
I put myself in a country where I didn’t know a soul and couldn’t speak the language, then I had 2 experiences that rocked my world, brought me to my knees and I knew it was time again to dive in even deeper to clear out old programs and baggage so I wouldn’t attract it in again.
It’s like my soul planned it.
I am not weighed down in the 3rd dimensional reality.
I know people are looking at me like I’ve lost it or am a freak.
Those of you who have or are doing this will get it!
Truly living and embodying living on your terms it’s so worth it – words cannot describe it!!!!
The clarity, empowerment, joy, bliss, love and gratitude keep getting fuller and stronger.
Breathing, much breathe work and meditation – slowing the monkey mind and truly becoming Consciousness.
And Radical Self Love………..

Now things keep lining up easier and effortlessly.
People, events, circumstances just keep getting better!
My quest and journey have brought me to the point where it’s time for me to step up and start helping others break free – especially from food addictions, self hatred, body issues, and disempowerment.
Life is too short to be watching the fear based news and stupid sitcoms that are rather insulting to our intelligence or to battle with food, ourselves or our bodies!
Each moment, hour, day is either passing us by with unmet wants, desires and living fully or we are growing, evolving, expanding and moving more into our true, authentic, beautiful, powerful selves creating a life we love so much so that we jump up out of bed in the morning full of vibrant radiance as we know.
It’s time for us to truly awaken.
Are you ready??
Lets stay connected and thanks for stopping by and sharing this!!

Awesome site Jodi much success to you on your journey.