I had the privilege of being at my friends house the other day who just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.
He was only, not even 2 days old and he was born the day before my birthday, so another Sagg is in the world and we rock!!!!
Jane looked beautiful too, and as moms we know what your body goes through, but she really did.
It really got me thinking though, about how precious life is. How we all come into the world totally dependent and I believe pure and innocent and through our parents, teachers and friends things change. Don’t get me wrong, people mean well, but ideas, beliefs, what we should be doing are put at us and we morph and change and grow up into adults, where I see that we become disconnected and unsure.
We’re not always sure who we are, what we want or what we should be doing. We get caught up in the material side of things as we are inendated with commercials about it never being good enough, big enough, small enough, fast enough or new enough no matter what it is. We have models on tons of magazines that have a ton of make up and have been photoshoped till they are no longer recognizable……..go figure. It’s everywhere saying ‘You’re not good enough just as you are’.
But you are!!!
And the good news is we can choose to start over any time. Whether it’s our diets, I really don’t like that word, so way of eating, lifestyle, our jobs or how we choose to spend our time, how much money we make, who our friends are, where we live and even who we are married to.
Sometimes endings have to happen to have new beginnings.
I leave you with this thought, are you doing, being, having and feeling what is really inside of you? Your passions, are they still inside waiting to come out, are you nurturing them or do you even remember what they are?
Does your life look like ground hog day? Is it one of quiet desperation? Or are you living, walking and feeling your truth, in your power and loving each moment and what is?
We are coming up to Winter Solstice, the full moon and a lunar eclipse all on the 21st of December, which will also be the shortest day of the year. It will be a good time to go in, reflect, ask yourself some really good questions and set your intentions for 2011, whether it be your relationships, health, your job or life in general.
Remember, everything is energy and we create what we think about. As The Universe tells us in their daily notes, Thoughts Become Things so Choose the Good Ones!!!!
On that note, have a beautiful day!!!
PS Apparently the 21st will be the darkest day in the last 456 years…………
Thanks for this Jodi, gave me lots to think about as you always do!!!