New Book Release

It’s true – the book – A Story of Our Souls is finally live!!

The outline of this book came to me after being sick for 3 weeks and surrendering to just being.

Something that has not always come easy to me yet I have been learning to slow down.

This time I had no choice.  Instead of being frustrated I let go.

This is what came through when I did.

All the courses, research, learning, releasing, deep diving (as I call going deep within), peeling layers away, even being mentored finally all came together.

Things clicked while this book came through.

For me, being a truth seeker, I kept asking why as so much doesn’t make sense to me.

I knew there was more, I knew there were many lies and once you do take the red pill or start down the rabbit hole you soon learn we actually do know very little about existence here.

This book has quantum physics, science, truth, fiction and woowoo.

It may open your eyes, challenge your beliefs, engage you to start asking more questions or just be a good little story.

Whatever it is, enjoy it!!

Click here to read the first part.

Oh yeah and there are pictures too!


Here is the link again to read the first part.

If you prefer an e-book then click here.

Also, here are some reviews that have come in so far!!


Jodi has done a great job building the picture of being HUman in an energetic world. She makes it easy to understand how things work and how you fit into the Multiverse. Her images are so beautiful you can find yourself staring at them for minutes on end!


After reading Jodi’s book, I got to understand more of the meaning of ascension, DNA activation, the Soul and how this all fits t together.

It is a very compelling book that leaves one open to do their own investigation. Definitely opened my eyes and mind. I feel more awakened after reading this thought provoking book

For a difficult subject to write about, she made it easy for me to connect the dots.                                                Thx Jodi for making this reader friendly, as you helped expand the borders of my tent big time, while recognizing there is more than meets the eye.


The soul is an energy that’s not talked or even thought about that much. We pretty much have an awareness that we all have one, but don’t focus too much on its’ condition or origin.

The Story of Our Souls explores an evolution of the soul and offers a perspective of reality that will incite one’s curiosity and questioning “what if…” some of this is true.  Be prepared for a journey down some rabbit holes with a little quantum theory added for a mysterious, thought provoking, and wonderfully engaging read.

Remember, the Matrix was a documentary!


Wow! I loved your book!

This book takes the mind to places never before entered, at least by me.

For me it was finally the lessons you have been teaching me, and your introduction to investing in my journey through one of your listed Practitioners.

I am working on finding my vibrational energy and starting to work through my 3D delusions.

I especially love the use of the “Avatar” descriptor to explain energy, frequencies which for many are just imaginary concepts that one cannot fully put into perspective until now.   I love that “avatars” are simply different skins of our choice … your explanation on the DNA strands makes sense now.

Thanks Jodi for the great eye opener and much food for thought.


Jodi’s book A Story of our Souls will keep you engaged with shear curiosity that will keep you turning the pages as she takes you on a journey about your soul. You will be inspired maybe mussed and defiantly thinking outside the box by the end of her story. If you enjoy books that will engage your mind and challenge the way you think or were taught to think I feel you will enjoy Jodi’s book I know I did!

–  Sandra