New Look

Yes it’s been awhile since I have posted – my blog has a new look!!
I have been travelling down in Mexico – which you may know from my posts, going through major transition and transformation and now in Yoga Teacher Training so life has been interesting and intense to say the least!!!

After reflecting and taking some time, enjoying the sun and beach, doing yoga, much deep inner personal work, diving into new areas that are rocking my world like Quantum Physics and playing with the field, understanding energy, breath work and consciousness better – I knew my life was heading in a new direction. A direction that got me energized and jazzed like never before!
Therefore new energy – higher vibrational energy – clearer energy – conscious energy – my life will never be the same – so my blog had to take a new look as well.
I am so excited at what is happening and coming down the pipeline – this time has given me a chance to really look within to see what is calling me, who I truly be, what sets my soul on fire and how I can contribute to a better place here on planet earth and I want to share it.

A lot of this stuff has not been new to me, I have been learning it and dabbling in it off and on for years BUT never fully embodying it and having it all click so effortlessly – all that reading, watching, learning, attending workshops, seminars etc finally paid off in a very big way!

I have been meeting some incredible people, seeing some amazing things, learning, expanding my consciousness, digging deep into personal growth, raising my vibration, clearing even more old beliefs and patterns and eating really healthy (even more so than usual :)) – once you start down this path you can never turn back. At times it’s friggin hard or so it seems but then break throughs happen and you can’t put a price tag on those, it is worth every second of it!
Along with my new blog there will be new programs that will be up shortly, more photography, posts, inspiration, fun, recipes, and things to challenge your thoughts, beliefs and the way you are creating your life and living.
2017 did not get off on a great start for me – yet when I reflect back on it it challenged me to truly step into me, the real authentic me who has been there all along she just got put on the side waiting and now she is front and center.

My life and learning has been a journey that I have taken me to where I am today, which is so different to where I was 2 years ago, 1 year ago or even 4 months ago – I feel like I am a totally different person. I am ready to guide and assist others who have been struggling with similar things – to list a few – emotional eating, low self worth, non-supportive belief systems, inauthentic being to help them re-connect with their true, authentic selves, to be the catalysts for people’s awakening as it’s not what you think. My life has been my training (and oh so much more) and my wish is to help others in a much shorter time line!!
We are creating our realities each moment– are you enjoying what you are creating and living?
If not stay tuned and keep coming back – I promise you – you won’t be disappointed!!
The rest of 2017 is on it’s way to becoming an amazing year for me that will be filled with many great moments, people, experiences, growth, health, vitality and abundance – I hope it will be for you too!!
Much Love