New Years Resolutions Suck – Part 2

Went into a Mexican town near where I am staying to this restaurant that served the best shrimp ever. We got the lat table and parking space as it was busy in this area with a New Years Day celebration going on al over and people were every where!
I got to watch the people having fun, playing, eating, celebrating – what joy! Then I got to watch the sunset – and that is one of my most favourite things to do is watching the sun rise or set – such beauty and in the moment!!

Now that we know from Part one why New Years Resolutions suck – what can we do differently to make sure 2017 doesn’t turn out like 2016, 2015, 2014 and so on!
We all have things we want to improve on, work towards, change or let go of – go ahead and make that list of those things.
Now ask yourself why? Why is it I want to have, be or do those things……..keep asking yourself why or even what will it mean?
When you’ve gone as far as you can now dig a little bit and ask how you will feel when you get there.
I want to lose 5 lbs
Because my clothes won’t feel so tight
What does that mean to me?
I can wear more of my clothes and feel better in my body.
How does that feel when I think of myself being able to wear more of my clothes and feel better in my body.
I will feel more confident, more attractive, healthier……..
What you are truly going for is the feeling or essence of what you desire – if there is no emotion behind it, there is no energy and it will not happen.
I want to lose 5 lbs
because, I do
Yes but why?
I don’t know, so I can fit in my clothes but it never happens, this probably won’t be any different this time (you may be thinking as well)
How will that make you feel?
I don’t know, better……
See the difference, better yet FEEL the difference.
Get some energy behind what you truly desire not just in New Year’s Resolutions but anything in life – E-motion is Energy in Motion – if there is truly just nothing there there will be nothing there. Time to spend some time and get real and honest with yourself. I you want to lose 5 lbs but have no interest in doing anything different and really don’t care if you first into more of your clothes or not – then just be honest with yourself so that later on you don’t have an excuse to mentally or verbally beat yourself up.
On you have the why, the emotion and the energy behind it – then you will more naturally move in directions that will help you on that path – all of a sudden some of your cravings may go down, or you just aren’t as interested in eating some of those foods, or tv well what a waste time lets go for a walk, get out in nature or do some stretching become a priority.
Pay attention though – you may get tested a few days in – go back read our why, the emotions and you may need to really bring those feelings to the forefront again as since we are human beings it can be easy to fall back into old patterns and programming – it takes minimum 21 days to change a habit / pattern as we are creating neuro-pathways.
I know you can do it though – you’ve got it in you.
Why settle for mediocrity where there is so much more out there!!
You deserve it!!
I’e got your back as I’ve been there before!!
Have an amazing day and get in touch with your why and feelings!!
Life will never be the same!
For al little more on this I will be doing my first FB live later today – will keep you posted on time!