Old Mexican Buildings

Just took a 5 day little trek to the ocean for some fun in the sun – ok the beach!!
On the way there we went to an old as in 200 yrs old garment factory that the front has been restored on and an open theatre has been created.

The rest of the building was a photographers dream – ok mine 🙂  I love old fallen down buildings especially brick and wood, this one had much character and history!.

On the way back we stopped at a 150 year old hacienda. Â I did not know that hacienda’s were sometimes 1000’s of acres big.
Both of these buildings were big.

Yet, it was a form of slavery until the revolution in the early 1900’s. Â It got me to thinking about history – or is there as in the quantum world everything is now. Â So why does history keep repeating itself or does it?
Since we are multi dimensional beings, is it that all timelines hold the same energies, just different eras or themes but similar.

As in slavery – this time line covers it up well yet it’s still slavery.
Just think about that for a moment.

Yet, we can start choosing differently.
We are more powerful than that!
I forgot to mention, I took tons of photos, had fun and am excited about the stories I will be creating with them – this is only a taste of much more!!  I was in heaven!! 🙂