Olive Spread with Dandelion Flax Crackers

A nice, light, tasty, vegan and raw spread! Black olives (pits still in ) are raw (unless they come in a jar) .
This recipe started out like a tapenade but I took it further and I think tastier 🙂
Not only is this good on crackers but also through it in a romaine leaf – still healthy and tasty.
In the hotter weather eating lighter I find I prefer doing and snacking more often – this makes it easy.

Olive Spread

– 1/2 cup Almonds soaked for at least an hour (optional – soaking is optional, health wise it is better to soak the almonds even for several hours plus it softens them a bit, tight on time – you don’t have to soak them)
– 1 cup black Olives – pit removed
– 2 cloves Garlic
– 1 cup Parsley
– 5 – 6 Basil leaves
– juice of 1/2 Lemon
– 2 tbsp cold pressed Olive oil
– pinch Salt & Pepper
Throw all ingredients into processor and process and process. I did not do it until it was fine – I left it kind of course – process until desired consistency.
Dandelion Flax Crackers

When I make raw crackers I love experimenting with flavours, so they usually never taste the same!! I also use what I have been juicing or have on hand. I was juicing Dandelion leaves in the spring here as it’s good for detoxing the liver and I saved the pulp to make crackers with. I did the recipe again as not only did I love them so did everyone who tasted them – no one believed it was with Dandelions but I think the spices I used added great flavor.
These are vegan and raw and were created in a dehydrator – in the oven could be done but at the lowest possible temperature and it may not be low enough to be raw.
– 2 cups ground Flax
– 11/2 cups Dandelion pulp (left over from juicing – if you don’t have a juicer you can always use a Vitamix or Blender – throw in the Dandelion leaves and some water and blend then strain it)
– 1 cup Water ( a little more may be needed – you want somewhat thick consistency so not to funny but not stick either – as you mix it together)
– 1 tsp Himalayan Salt
– 2 tsp toasted Cumin Seed (that has been ground to a powder – it’s used in Indian dishes)
– Caraway seeds (optional)
Mix all together. You can let it sit for a couple of hours or over night and have it a bit fermented, or you can spread it on the dehydrator sheets (with the teflon sheets so nothing falls through)
Spread evenly then score it into crackers the size you would like.
This is where I like to add a little more Caraway seed and sprinkle some coarse Sea salt but that is totally optional.
Dehydrate for 6 – 8 hours, flip the sheets over and remove the teflon sheets and dehydrate until you like the crispness – usually 2- 4 hours – I like crispy crackers so I do them longer – these times are just guidelines depending on the dehydrator, the size, the temp. so check in till you get what you like. I find once I flip them I don’t need as much time on the second side.

Hope you try these and enjoy them!!
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