Our Perceptions are Distorted

Distorted Perceptions or Point of Views??

Our Perceptions are distorted – everything from how we show up in the world, beauty and what that is, our bodies, how we ‘should’ be living, food, and more.  I am and will be focused more on the areas of how we show up in the world, self love and our bodies after my struggles with an eating disorder and body plus being a Photographer – which if you haven’t seen the short video below you will understand what I mean.

It seems like since I’ve been in Mexico and doing some deep inner work things are becoming much clearer in a very deep way and it’s time for us to wake up to some truths of being plugged into the Matrix and the bs that comes out of it keeping us in perpetual loops of not being good enough especially women.

When we have stuff like this go on – no wonder we are confused about what real beauty is!!

The best way to start changes is within – believing and loving YOU and to stop buying into the fake advertising, magazines and all the other stuff along with it!!

Life is way too short to waste our energy believing in nothing but lies – Love is the strongest Vibe – start with You and see how life changes!!
