Programming in our societies is deep and rampant. I can finally see it so clearly!! A lot of our old Programming needs to be deleted!!
Everything we do are programs.
According to Dr. Bruce Lipton we are fully programmed by age 7 – yes 7 years old!! We come into the world pure love and light and in Theta state – totally open – and the downloads begin.
Good news is since our brains are like computers – they can be totally RE-Programmable.
I really feel the movie The Matrix gave us some BIG clues – Everything IS Energy and much how we live is programs – not good enough, lack, struggle, gotta go to the Dr’s, eat 3 square meals a day, go to school get a good education, so you can be a good employee, work 40 hours a week – (usually doing something you hate for a pay check), we don’t have choice, we need meds to heal and so on………everything truly is a program – that is why TeLIEvision otherwise known as TV Programming is soooo Powerful.
Thank goodness people are waking up!!!!
We do Create, We are Powerful, We can RE-Program and Everything IS Energy and depending on your perspective of awareness is the Consciousness!!
Our Genes, which are affected by our DNA – does not have eyes or ears therefore they cannot see or hear what is going on – instead it determines the environment by reading the energy – our state of being – all our emotions are chemical reactions in the body – love, hate, joy, frustration etc
The body produces neurons based on how we are feeling – interrupt the state – if it’s states you don’t like or want aka anger, low self worth etc RE-Program, RE-Program, RE-Program so that the body creates more neurons of what you desire. Change the Environment so the INvironment changes too!!
Old Mexican Scene!!
Does it take work?
You bet!!
It’s worth it though!!!
After all it is YOUR Life – fall in love with it and keep doing things that bring you Joy. That is the way of living a truly more fulfilled and Conscious life!!
Shut the tv off that creates lack and fear programming, stop reading newspapers that do the same thing. Let go of people and things that bring you down.
Each moment and day counts!!
Get out into nature – the healing benefits of nature are endless, love yourself more, laugh more and don’t take things so seriously. They are proving it’s all a hologram (more not that coming up in posts – mind twist?? you bet but it’s lightens things big time)
And remember NO one gets out alive – well our physical bodies anyways so lets all enjoy our life!!
Thanks man, really helpful
Awesome!!! 🙂