Raising Your Vibration
What does raising your vibration mean to begin with!?
Everything is Energy – Science is proving that, Quantum Physics is proving that – from the chair you sit in, to the plate you eat off, the kind of food you do eat, the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel.
When we are in an emotional state – whether that be anger, frustration, love, joy, or gratitude as examples, they all have a different vibration. Just like a Twinkie does to a Green Salad or a chair to a table, anger vs love – they are all different. Some are denser than others 🙂
From Wikipedia
What is Vibration – a person’s emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.
Now we do know that Love, Gratitude and Joy are higher vibrations – it’s been proven.
How does one get there if it’s not a common state of being, have been having more crappy days than great days, dealing with a ton of stress or something along those lines so you just aren’t in a place of a higher vibrational state of being!
I want to share an exercise I did before and I did again last night – what an experience both times.
Last night I did it while I was doing Yin Yoga – so a 90 min session and I was listening to Bentinho Massaro doing some guided meditations of basically raising your state. (you can find him on Youtube – cool dude) his exercise that I did before is really for at least 10 seconds for every minute think and feel amazing things about you, your life, your body, your being for 2 hours – set a timer and go – when I did it I couldn’t believe how fast the time went and how good I felt.
So through holding a Yoga pose (you don’t have to do Yin Yoga during this at all – I just chose to – just don’t let yourself be distracted be fully present yet relaxed). I kept my focus on my breath – nice long and deep breathing and keep engaging in feeling different feelings to start training my body to embody them more often – love, gratitude, excitement, creativity, empowerment, abundance, courage etc
I felt like for awhile I was almost in an altered state – it felt friggin awesome!!
Sometimes the simple things of slowing down, being present connecting with out breath, getting out of our mind and learning to embody new ways of feeling can be life changing – everything is energy and energy is powerful……..when used correctly!! We can create more by doing that then running around being busy trying to do, do, do.
We are walking antenna’s that helps to find tune the station better and to adjust to a better station or a station more in tuned to who you truly be!!
The process is meditative and in this short video Dr Joe Dispenza explains what is’ like to be incoherent and then coherent with the brainwaves and the heart – big difference in the body and health and connecting with the Field – of Infinite Possibilities.
The more we are connected with our selves and true nature this becomes much easier, we are lighter, freer, more in the flow and having magic happen all around us!