Raw Chocolate Pudding

Where I live I don’t get to find young coconuts very often so when I go into the big city (lol) and find them especially on sale I am in heaven.

If you haven’t tried one I highly recommend it.  Young coconuts, both the liquid and the meat is not only tasty but very nutritious and you can do lots with them.  I look so forward to being able to make smoothies out of them for my morning shakes.

Here is a simple, quick,healthy and oh so tasty treat.  Good when you are craving that sugar.


For a good serving you will need to coconuts for this recipe. You will need to take the top off the coconut, which you can find in an early post here on how to do that.  Be careful as the liquid will start to come out, so I don’t take the top fully off until after I drain the water.


Once drained, take the top off and then with a bigger spoon, scoop out the white meat.  There won’t be a lot and it’s not hard like a coconut you are used to seeing.

Put it into your Vitamix or blender.

Add in

2 tbsp Organic Cocoa Powder

2 tbsp Maple syrup (not raw) or Honey (not vegan) or Agave –  I tired using Stevia with this recipe and it just didn’t taste good I much prefer one of the others.

1/4 cup of the coconut water (approx) depending on how creamy or thick you ike it

vanilla  optional I like to throw in a little of the vanilla bean itself

Process until smooth

Some variations after processing it are adding in some Chia seed and  / or sliced up bananas or other fruit.

It’s yummy and takes care of those sweet cravings!!

Enjoy and please share this if you like it!!

Thank you