Raw Cracker Recipe

Grind 2 cups of Flax seeds in grinder and set aside (cleaned out coffee bean grinder works well)

Mix together

1 large onion finely chopped
2 – 4 cloves garlic
sea salt

3 stalks celery or other veggies that you like, or pulp from your juicer.
Mix together

Add in ground flax
Mix together and add

1 cup water

Mix together well.

You can add seasoning or herbs at this stage.
Mixture should be firm, but not too sticky or too dry. Depending on the amount of veggies or herbs added you may need to add a little more water.

Spread out evenly on the teflex sheets of a dehydrator to the thickness you desire.
Remember to score it.

Dehydrate (108 degrees or less) for about 4 hours, then flip the crackers over and take the teflex sheet off and dehydrate till the crispness you desire.

Get creative and Enjoy!!!

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