Raw, Naked and Beautiful

Raw, Naked and Beautiful



Have been on the Sunshine most lately and this past week I had no internet, a great time and way to decompress (well sort of, helped a friend move), connect with nature (found an Eagle feather – always a great sign), hang with my dog and really think about the project that I have been talking about for way too long and not doing much about it – until recently and now it is becoming my focus.

Raw, Naked and Beautiful (read more about it here) the project!!

Raw, Naked and Beautiful


In the past couple of weeks I have been able to connect with and start photographing some beautiful and amazing women and am looking to do many more.

Since overcoming my eating disorder AND my body image this has become such a powerful force for me to help as many other women as possible be free too!!

These are just a couple of the photos I took being playful, being comfortable in their bodies, being bold, being beautiful and showing up as themselves and truly embracing being that – body and all!!

Raw, Naked and Beautiful


That is what this is ALL about.

Advertising, Media, Fashion and more has created such judgment of self and others, competition, exercise but not for health of it or the joy of doing it but to manipulate the body or punishment of eating something we shouldn’t.

The craziness and insanity has to stop.

There are no two bodies alike and we need to all embrace our beauty and our uniqueness.

I look forward to bringing many more photos, thoughts and insights on this!!





Raw, Naked and Beautiful