
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
– Albert Einstein
Read that again!!
Our reality is nothing but an illusion. Talk about a mind f*@&……….but it’s true. Nassim Haramein has proven that our so called ‘reality’ is nothing but a feed back loop for our thoughts – in other words our reality is an illusion based on our thoughts, beliefs, patterns and feelings. In other words it reflects back to us what is truly inside of us – as above so below, as within so without.
Makes you want to rise up doesn’t it – what we are thinking and feeling and any patterns / habits we have going on in our life. Do they support us or not?
WhatEver you have going on in your world you are creating it.
Yup – makes one take responsibility FOR EVERYTHING.
Something our society isn’t good at doing.
Again – our reality is an illusion.
The illusion is not the problem.
It only becomes the problem when we think that this is the only reality.

A great quote from Abraham Hicks is – ‘Nothing is real unless you give it your attention’.
Energy flows where attention flows – where are you focusing your energy?
It’s useful to experience certain things.
There is a great reality beyond this reality – wouldn’t it be cool if we could remember that?

The more we connect with our Soul – we can remember it’s true.
So the more you create your reality to how you would like it to be, no not according to what you think you should because you saw it a Facebook ad or because the sheeple say it or one of the social media sites or a tv ‘reality’ show – it’s what you truly desire that from your heart!!
Without you being you the Universe is incomplete……..especially yours!!
Know who you are at a Soul level!!
Much Love
Looking for more Soul Connection? Reach out to me as I can help you understand more about you at a Soul level from the Akashic Records!!