Is life really as stable as we think?

So, it’s the last day of 2019.

I would be lying if I said that it was my best year ever, actually in ways it was one of the hardest yet many amazing moments as well..

Yet, as I reflect back, I see where I stumbled, grew, fell down, rose above, loved more, judged less, was open (or not) and it’s all part of life.

I choose to look at what I did accomplish and how that felt, yet also where I stumbled or fell and what I learned or how it challenged me to become more or step up or clear a trigger.

Some of my highlights were writing the book A Story of Our Souls, learning Photoshop – as it always intimidated me, doing a self 30 Day Challenge of a new image each day  (check out some of the images in my gallery) – not always fun when you’re not feeling creative, or have been working on an image for a few hours and forgot to save it…..oops!!  But that won’t happen again 🙂

All part of life – how we respond or react is up to us – yes we get to choose.

I’ve had to deconstruct some of the things I thought I ‘knew’, and through that I am truly learning that the more I stay open and learn, the little I actually do know.  It’s a big world out there with many  different perspectives nothing is a stable and concrete as we think, been lead to believe or told.  (that is a whole other post with quantum physics and the rabbit hole).

Yeah, there is alot of BS out there too.  I am learning to trust myself more and yes, many answers for ourselves are within.

2019 was so much about me stepping into more of me.

How was 2019 for you?

Have fun and be safe on New Years!

I’ll leave you with this thought:

Yesterday, is a  moment in time, a moment that not longer exists…….unless you let it.

Start each day fresh as there is only now – each moment is the now – are you present to it?

