Season of Self Love


I was going to call it Summer of Self Love but thought no, it needs to be longer and even Season of Self Love is too short,it really should be seasons!!

As many of you know that have followed me or my blog food and healthy food, / eating has been a big part of my life, food has also been one of my biggest challenges in my life – from not eating to binging to in my earlier years body obsessed to strict eating guidelines (raw foods only) to letting go of any and all rules and names (vegan,raw, foodie etc) to coming to pretty much a neutral place.

I even gave up trying to convince others they shouldn’t eat this or that or telling them what they should eat.  I feel so much lighter.  I also gave up trying to be perfect – that was a big one for me.

We are all so different when it comes to body shapes, body sizes, our genes (to a certain degree) and our likes and dislikes.

The base for me still resides in as close to nature as possible – clean and organic but I also have really allowed myself to be human and know I’m not perfect and stop being so hard on myself.

Believe it or not how and what we eat, really does say much about how we love ourselves.

Now I totally understand some people never have an issue with food, their bodies or self love, but I’m not talking to those people.

I want to connect and share my thoughts, messages and journey with the ones that have and are struggling with food issues, body issues, low self esteem issues.

I think back over my life and all the time I wasted on working out trying to get my thighs thinner – now please don’t misinterrupt what I am saying here, there is a difference between an obsession, loathing your self or your body and being healthy happy and free of that and still wanting to be, feel and look healthy.

What is the difference and fine line?

I turned 50 in December and right around the same time I put o an extra 10 lbs.  First time in my life where my eight has been heavier and not coming off.  Yes I’m in menopause, and I have readers (wth where did the time go!!??)  It actually brought up the last of my body issues that I hadn’t fully embraced.

Could I still love myself enough even with some extra weight,some cellulite?  I was eating healthy, getting some exercise – ok not like I used too when I was younger, working out daily, waitressing (so running around) and then 2 young children – busy young children (more running around).  I did work at my computer more, read more, and took life a little slower after being so busy for years.

I also wasn’t having really any other side effects other than the odd little night sweat, so quite frankly I could live with a few extra pounds – but I still had some demons – not feeling good, enough or sexy.  My clothes were tighter, I could see my body shifting.

Perfect – what better time then now to really let go of that bs yes bullshit and belief systems on my body defines who I am.

I love taking care of it, I love feeling good,healthy, radiant, alive but it’s not who I am.

It’s the place that my soul calls home.

And just like the house we live in, we do need to take care of it so it looks nice (or not),  and make it our home so we are comfy in it,surrounding ourselves with things we like.

Would we spend much time in a place we didn’t like? Maybe temporarily to save for your ‘dream’ home or one that better suits you, unless money is a major factor for where and how we live, we can still decorate the inside of it to be our temple.

What are the ways to take care of you that maybe you have forgotten or left behind?

For me I am and have started to love me just for me – I’m here, alive, unique and instead of trying to fit in, focusing on my gifts, joy, love and more fun.  Each day is difference but I do something daily that uplifts my spirits, that nurtures me, that feeds my soul – how do I know? It just feels good.

I might go for a walk in the rain forest here or shoot a sunset – one I’ve shot many times but it always brings me joy, connect with an old friend, take an afternoon cat nap, learn a new tool in Photography, have my toes painted – love having colourful toes in the summer, send a love note to my honey, yoga for the sake of connecting and feeling my body not for exercise.  That one alone feels so good and different.

Just like the sunsets and sunrises that I love to catch – they are never the same.  To some people they may be, but not to me.  Each moment, each day is new, so are they and so am I – I get to choose  – why not choose beauty and love.

Maybe it’s my age that I’ve come more into me and some moments I almost wish I could go back in time and take my wisdom, self love and knowledge back to my earlier years so that I wouldn’t waste all that energy on fighting my body, hating it or abusing it.

I look forward to posting more on these topics and more especially for women as it’s totally out of control now.

Seeing the younger generation with food, body issues and dieting really saddens me – it’s incredible what marketing and advertising can do to us.  Yet it’s not just them, it’s women in general.

Start adding in sprinkles of self love and self nurturing no matter how busy you are, cause if you don’t you may be forced to at some point in your life and trust me that way is not always fun!!

Have an amazing day and create some more self love for YOU!!!




2 Responses

  1. Thank you Jodi..I have shared your message; we can Never hear enough of this type of message!