She Remembers

As she entered the realm of planet Earth to create an experience, she walked through the veils of amnesia, into the illusion of separation and then the programming began.
From the depths of her woundings through stories created through her time her on Earth, she had been ensconced with lies, deceptions, manipulations, judgments and programs. One day when she had had enough, she realized that she was the common denominator in all of it.
She had forgotten who she was.
As she looked around, she noticed that it seems to be the theme on planet Earth.
Yet not her fault or others, as it’s the way the system was created.
She got curious and started asking questions.
The more she asked, the more she realized how little she knew and what she did know she wasn’t so sure about anymore.
Others started asking questions as well.
Lots of questions, some started remembering.
She got quiet, she went within, she asked for a sign and that is when the spark got lit.
Little by little she started to wake up.
Wake up to the truth of who she was.
Which was much more than she was lead to believe, was told or any label that could define her.
She decided to let go of what she knew, deconstruct all she had learn and had become so that she could get out of her head and into her heart.
Start fresh, free from all those lies, deceptions, judgments, manipulations and programs.
By doing so, she could move in a direction of new creations, new possibilities, where, if one can dance in the boldness of the unseen magic of infinite possibilities, then one can create Heaven on Earth!
Now she remembers………..
Who she is.