Soul Food
By just saying that you’re probably thinking some good Southern cooking – Collard Greens, BBQ’d foods and more but that is not what I am talking about!!
Believe it or not it’s not about food we eat this time.
It’s about knowing who you are, what you like and feeding your soul that kind of food. It needs to be nourished too.
When you shut down who you really are
It shuts down your Life Force.
Now, I believe we need to feed our bodies as healthy as we can, but what about our souls…..that whisper, that yearning, tugging or quiet voice and we reply with a yeah but, maybe one day, oh I couldn’t never do that, oh I could never make money doing that, oh one day, when I retire blah blah blah
Do you feed your Soul? If so how?
Me – I love creating in the kitchen, walking in the rainforest, spending time on the beach, having a massage, doing my photography, and now I’ve found another piece that really feeds my soul.
What about you??
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