My Soul Wanted Growth
My Soul Wanted Growth……..have you ever been in a situation that maybe didn’t make sense to you at the time but looking back on it later the clarity is more vivid?

In December when I came down to Mexico to house sit, in the first 2 weeks I was here I had to 2 scenarios that altered my life, my direction I was going and honestly brought me to my knees.
I was in Mexico – didn’t know a soul, couldn’t speak the language and had to start going within, quieting the mind chatter, letting myself cry and feel the emotions I needed to (that is an upcoming post that I can’t wait to share how to move emotions through the body!!) – so interesting looking back how events unfolded (no matter how shitty they were) so I could truly step up!!

Plus I had some very amazing friends that held space for me even if it was over the phone – support network is good too – you guys know who you are and I am so grateful for you all!! xoxo
Things like that happen – whether emotionally or physically – yes even physically when we truly aren’t listening, paying attention or on the wrong path or we have distorted views – which most of us do or we would be enlightened. It’s our Souls way of saying Wake up!!

For many of us, myself included – it’s easy to take the victim role and tell our ‘story’ over and over and ask questions like Why did this happen to me? What’s wrong with me? etc

We don’t want to stay locked up in the past or old ways of being!
As we move along the path of becoming more Conscious and therefore taking responsibility for everything that happens in our life – cause after all we ARE the Creators of our lives – but we have been taught, programmed, dumbed down and lied to that we really aren’t in control and things just happen.
Bull shit!! 🙂
Thank goodness that Science is evolving and bridging with it Spirituality and yes crap doesn’t just happen to us – we create it into physical form from our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Hard do swallow sometimes I know. Trust me I know, yet if everything is energy (and it is) and vibrates at different frequencies it shows us that we can and need to take responsibility IF we want different things, feelings and people inner lives.
When we take responsibility we ask different questions, we look at things, situations and people in our life as a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs – Nassim Haramein has shared his documented studies in the Connected Universe – I highly recommend watching it. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza also have some amazing studies, facts and new ways of thinking AND being – I have learned lots!
With that being said, I have been diving in and out of Quantum Physics etc for a couple of years but couldn’t fully embody it. When these events happened I knew I had to dive in and ask myself what was being reflected back to me and honestly be open to seeing things about myself I couldn’t or didn’t want to before!
What kind of energy was I vibrating (feeling), what were my thoughts, beliefs, patterns and how did I truly feel about myself.

I wanted to take a BIG leap forward! 🙂
I didn’t want to stay stuck and to keep telling the same story I wanted to move the energy!
I’ll be honest, wasn’t always easy – there were moments where I just wanted to go to the mall shopping (escaping some pain, going unconscious :)) and not deal with it but I knew the more I pushed through the layers of BS I would come out lighter and have more of me – the true authentic me. It didn’t happen over night and I had to go through and re-experience some of it to truly embody the lessons and go deeper within.
Oh my!!!! The payoff has been worth it all.
Our true self is the essence of unconditional love, pure joy, bliss and gratitude – all the other things are just big fat fucking lies we tell ourselves from the stories we have created or have happened to us.

Feeling the love even on a bad hair day with no make up – is also being vulnerable and authentic!
Growth is not always easy but I feel it’s worth every moment as when you are re-claiming more of you, living truly authentic, having much love for self and others, raising your vibration which allows for more consciousness.
Words cannot describe it at all – one has to experience it!
It’s NOT about being perfect – what is perfect? Who is perfect? Let go there is NO getting it right only evolution!
My world has opened up, new people and experiences have been coming in that have been amazing, my awareness has increased and my new path has been lit up – I can’t wait to share more (it’s like I am getting downloads ) as the world needs us to step into our true authentic selves and be the light and way showers for others – the more we do this is we re-claim our power and self love then changes can be made here on planet earth like crazy!!
Know that whatever you are going through it’s only temporary and things can change fast – ask yourself better questions, what lesson can you learn, what do you need to see and how can you be more truthful with yourself – about ALL aspects of self.
We’ve all created stories, patterns and beliefs from our parents, teachers and society – not to make anyone wrong as everyone is doing the best they can but it’s time to tell different, more empowering, loving and intentional stories!
I will be sharing more tools, inspiration, thoughts and my journey AND reviving the Raw, Naked and Beautiful Project – Real, Authentic and Whole!!

It’s time for many of us to step into ourselves and the lives we truly desire to live and create as it all starts within!!
I am so Grateful my Soul Wanted Growth – does yours?
Create a fantastic day!!!