Spirulina Balls

One of the biggest things I am finding is the more Super Foods I have added into my way of eating (no not a ‘diet’) the less food I actually eat!!
It’s true!!
Why is that??
There is a BIG difference between eating and feeding the body today. If you walked into your local grocery store, you will find shelves full of ‘food’ or products with a lable of ‘food’. Many items in that store have little if any real nutritional value, so I ask you then, is it really food??
If the nutritional value it does have is created by man or a machine, does it count? It depends on if the body recognizes it and digest or can utilizes it otherwise the answer is no.
Here are a couple of questions that can help answer that.
After eating :
– Do you still feel hungry shortly after eating a meal (or a really good sized snack) even though your stomach is still full an it’s been less than an hour (even 2 hours)?
– Do you feel tired and lethargic after eating?
– Do you feel bloated, gassy or have indigestion?
– Are you feeling tired most of the time or lethargic and craving sugar or caffeine products then having a big slump after an initial energy burst?
– When you think of eating is everything you want, crave or think about comes in a box, packaged, canned or frozen?
– Do you wake up tired, sluggish or achey and it takes a coffee (or several) to get you going?
These are just some of the side effects of not getting nutrition from the food you eat.
Another good question is if you think you can’t give up some of the food you do eat or are addicted to. There is such a thing as food addiction. In our society today it’s everywhere, we are inidated with fast food, processed food, food shows, food blogs etc everywhere, yet most of it lacks nutrition.
How do I know that?
Obesity, not just being little overweight but obese, diabetes, heart disease, cancer,food allergies, gluten intolerances, are just a few side effects that people are suffering with these days are at record highs.
We don’t know how good we can feel in our bodies or how good our bodies are suppose to feel as most of us are being ruled by our mouths and taste buds – but did you know food manufacturers have added in so many chemicals so that we do become addictive to processed foods? Thirty years ago there were approximately 800 food additives, now there is over 10 000 and most have NOT been tested. Yet they get put in our ‘foods’.
Every mouthful moves us in a direction – either closer to health or further from it.
We do have choice – we get to choose what we buy and what we eat. One of the things that I love about adding in Super foods is, not only are they nutrient dense, they feed my body so my body is nourished therefore I eat less food. Now don’t get me wrong, I love to eat food, especially good tasting food, but when I feed my body real food, whole food, food that is nutrient dense, it actually needs less food. I also feel healthier in so many ways!!
It’s a win win in so many ways. It saves on my monthly food bill – yes it does!! It may seem more expensive at first but trust me it’s not, it’s like using those new light bulbs that cost 3 or 4 times as much – but lasts more than 10 times longer. It has made me realize what good food actually tastes like and my food addictions – not just to certain foods but also to eating in general. We seem to eat of joy and pleasure or even pain more these days then actually eating for nourishment – and we wonder why obesity is at an all time high!!?
I am a lover of Super foods and use many in my way of eating. I have been creating recipes adding them in, but will be expanding more on that and listing Super Foods that you too can add in. There is a ton of info on the internet about Super Foods – no not broccoli or eggs or salmon, but greens, algae, hemp, mushrooms, roots that are becoming more common as we are waking up to what real foods are.
One of the best slogans I’ve heard is – ‘If it’s made in a plant – don’t eat it, if it comes from a plant – eat it!! (of course please use caution as some plants grown in the wild can be poisonous depending on where you live!)
This is another quick and easy, tasty yet nutritious vegan, raw, gluten free recipe!!
Spirulina Balls
– 1 cup ground raw Almonds
– 16 Madjool Dates (approximately)
– 1 tsp Spirulina (Purium’s Spirulina)
– 1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt
– 3 tbsp Activated Barley (Purium’s Activated Barley – you can also substitute Hemp seeds or Hemp Powder or a good source Vegan Protein Powder or even Cacao Powder to not have the green color)
– 2 tbsp raw Coconut Oil (Purium’s extra virgin Tropical Oil that is hand poured)
– 1 tbsp Chia seed
– 2 tbsp raw Cacao Nibs
Throw all ingredients into a food processor and process, add in
– 1/2 cup raw Almonds and process until all ingredients are well mixed and the almonds are still chunky.
Roll into 1 in balls and store in air tight container in the fridge.
This is easy and quick to make and is loaded with nutrition. You will find you only need a couple of these (maybe 3 or 4 depending on your size :)) and it will keep you satisfied for a long time.
Please note – I have used and added in Purium product links – why? I have found them to be the cleanest, organic, live and non-gmo for some of the super foods. I use these as I have found them to be the best for the greens and algae, so yes I do promote them. If you have another brand that you love, then please feel free to use that. If you don’t have any or are interested in trying Purium, then by all means please be my guest and ask me questions or take advantage of the $50 Gift Card towards your first purchase of Purium products – I know once you try them, you too will agree!!
Enjoy and Please feel free to share!!
Eat Healthy
Live Well
Create a Life YOU Love!!