Spirulina Chips

A little treat that is tasty, nutritious and easy to make. Sneaking in Superfoods to make it even more nutritious and of course gives it that green color. Great treat to stick to eating healthy and adding in more raw foods to nourish the body – and it’s satisfies your sweet tooth in a good way!!
Spirulina Chips
– 11/2 cups Sesame Seeds soaked in water for a couple of hours minimum and drained
– 3 Bananas
– 1 tsp Vanilla
– 11/2tsp Spirulina
Optional – if you don’t want to have the green color add in some raw Cocoa and it will be a dark brown color instead.
Throw all ingredients into the processor except for the Sesame seeds, process until well mixed. Stir in Sesame seeds and mix well.
Drop onto dehydrator sheets in small cookies size.
Dehydrate overnight approx or until the crispness that you desire ( I don’t like the chips too soft – I enjoy them kind of crispy so I dehydrate them a bit longer but you can have soft chips if your prefer just dehydrate them less – approx 8 – 10 hours)
If you don’t have a dehydrator you can still make the chips, just use a very low temp on your oven and place them on a greased cookie sheet and bake until desired crispness.