Stuffed Avocados with Chipolte Mayo

 Stuffed Avocados

I love Avocados no matter how they are served.  I also love Chipolte Mayo too but wanted to create a raw / vegan one – almost tastes as good as the real deal but oh so much healthier!! :0

These are not only vegan but also raw (therefore gluten free too!!)

Good snack, meal or side dish!

Stuffed Avocados

Avocados Stuffing

– 1/2 cup finely chopped Celery

– 1/2 cup chopped Parsley

– 1/2 cup Sunflower Seeds

– 1 Green Onion finely chopped

– 1 Red Pepper finely chopped

– 1 small Cucumber finely chopped

Mix together in a bowl and add in Chipolte Mayo approx 1/2 – 1 cup (to your liking) – recipe follows

Approx 3 Avocados – cut in half and set aside when mixture is complete spoon in to cut halves and enjoy!!

Chipolte Mayo

– 1 cup Cashews ( can soak in water for approx 15 mins or while cutting and mixing other ingredients)

– 2 tbsp Olive oil

–  juice of 1 Lemon

– 1 clove Garlic

– pinch of  Sea Salt

– 2 tsp Chipolte seasoning

– 1/2 cup water (approx depending on how thin or thick you would like it)

Throw all ingredients in Vitamix or blender slowly pouring in water and mix until smooth and desired consistency is achieved.

Serve, Eat & Enjoy!!


2 Responses

  1. I tried this recipe. It is absoltely delicious and I have never been too found of raw food. Simple and easy to make. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

  2. I will so be doing this as soon as I get home, it looked freaking delicious! Avocados are my go to healthy food whenever I need something delicious yet filling; these are the equivalent of French fries for me. I don’t get it why people stuff their mouth with unhealthy fats when there are so many healthy alternatives to switch to.