I love summertime as I love being outside. No socks, either barefeet or flips flops as often as possible. The sun makes one feel so much better, I guess it’s all the rain and grey we get through the rest of the year here in BC that I love summer even more now!!

We were enjoying backyard or beach fires, but now there is a ban on, so that is now happening, but walks on the beach in the evenings and watching the sunset is beyond words. We have also been so lucky is seeing the Eaglets take flight, a grey whale in close, a seal pup coming up on shore waiting for it’s mom, then the next day finding a seal pup that had washed up on shore and not sounding too good. Ken and I got it to the Gibson’s Wildlife Centre which was hoping it could help before turning it over to the Vancouver Aquarium. Fingers crossed that it survives. All of this in one week, oh yeah I forget to mention that our dog Spirit treed a couple of bears in our backyard…….summertime is pretty interesting around here!!!
Also, outdoors Markets, I love them!!! All the artists and their beautiful works and the plentiful, fresh, beautiful fruits, vegetables and herbs. There is so much to choose from and it is so easy to eat healthy in the summer.
If you haven’t been out to your local farmer’s market I highly recommend it. Not only are you able to eat healthier, but have usually better selections but also support your local farmers and that is so important.
I love all the fresh produce, but I find I get inspired too from all the neat things that I see.
Go and enjoy.
Here’s to your health.