
Why and What Are They??


Google the word Superfoods and see what comes up.

No wonder people are confused these days!!

How does Salmon, Eggs, Broccoli and a few other similar foods get claimed as Superfoods?  What is the true definition of ‘Superfoods’?

I would like to share with you my beliefs, thoughts, journey with Superfoods and please know I am not here to claim that they cure things BUT I will share that they are nutrient dense foods that feed the body well and or at a cellular level.  As I say to people there is a BIG difference between eating and feeding the body.

I have also been paying attention to all the food blogs out there now and really truly have lost some interest in the whole game.  I know for me personally, with my history of my eating pattern that Superfoods – true Superfoods have helped me with  my health and conscious eating!!

Superfoods should be clean, organic, non-gmo and nutrient dense.  Our society has been lead to believe in the SAD Food Pyramid – don’t you just love it – I am big on becoming aware of programming that has been feed to me, society or that I have engaged in.  SAD – Standard American Diet – SAD – yup don’t need to go much into detail there!! 🙂  Diet – I so try to use other words as our bodies hear all – die – we don’t want or need to diet we need to eat to live, eat for optimal health.  Pyramid – most people have issues with pyramids (sorry couldn’t resist).

What I have also noticed is people don’t really understand Superfoods, what they are or how to use them outside of a Green drink, which I truly believe if most people even gave up pop (or soda) and or coffee (at least reduced it) and drank even one truly real Green drink a day, they would feel so much healthier, clearer or better!

My focus is going to be more on Superfoods, which ones I use / like, how to use them and creating more recipes with Superfoods.  It’s become a natural thing for me but I realize so many people are stuck and no wonder when I google Superfoods and what they are its rather confusing.

I will be going into detail over the next few weeks on Kamut, Spirulina, Chlorella, Hemp, Maca, Activated Barley, Rice Bran Solubles, Chia, Camelina, Raw Cacao, Tumeric and a few others!!  Sharing how to incorporate them more in your foods and meals and recipes – I just created for my beloved a Raw Chocolate Cheesecake with Superfoods – you can’t tell and it still tasted so yummy!! Recipe coming soon!

I feel that sharing and helping people learn about Green foods and Superfoods is so important these days – we have been misled, misguided and advertise to for profits not health.

Labelling is a joke these days and when I walk through a grocery store and look around and see that more than 95% of the store is catered to processed packaged foods and I don’t care what label is on it – natural, organic, added nutrition, gluten free it’s not for the most part real foods.

People look at me funny or give me the line ‘Green foods aren’t real foods’ to which I have learned to reply with a question ‘When did twinkles, hot dogs, pizza, pop, chips, (and I do use a few others) become real foods?”  Who made them?  Was it for health or profit?

So come back, check in and feel free to share as we start on the journey of learning about, using and eating more Superfoods in your way of eating!!


Eat Healthy

Live Well

Create a Life YOU Love!!
