100 Days of Stillness – Day 91

You do remember that you were  born joyful, playful and curious, with infinite, creative potential right?   Be Still……….

100 Days of Stillness – Day 90

  The HUman heart emits an electro magnetic frequency 5000 x’s stronger than the brain. I know which one I follow…….. Be Still………..

100 Days of Stillness – Day 89

You weren’t born to fit in, so stop trying, as it’s an insane world, we really don’t want to fit in to it! Remember, who you truly are, the world needs that now more than ever as that is where you find your light   Be Still………..

100 Days of Stillness – Day 87

    Reality is made real by what you give your attention to as energy flows where attention goes Be conscious of what you give your attention to as nothing is out there…..   Be Still…………   Apologies, apparently I forgot to hit publish yesterday!!

100 Days of Stillness – Day 86

If, Everything is Energy, it cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only change form, everything, even you   Be Still…………

100 Days of Stillness – Day 81

  There is nothing wrong with labels as they are stepping stones and help us to get where we are, but, at some point you will break free of all labels, all boxes, all programs, because you are so much more than that and are here to expand, create and experience all that you are, […]