90 Day Challenge

90 Day Challenge So I have decided to really step up to the plate and start the 90 Day EPX Body Challenge over – if anyone is interested in joining me on the Challenge then click the link there to see my vid or go right to my Fan Page and click on The EPX Body […]
Why Work From Home??

Why Work From Home?? Some people have that dream, some don’t and some don’t care either way – Most people though want more out of life but may be scared to make the changes needed. I have had the pleasure of working on my own for several years now, but most of that was still […]
The Past Doesn’t Have to Equal the Future

The Past Doesn’t Have to Equal the Future Many of us seem to get stuck in repeated patterns whether they serve us or not – believe me I know!!! We sometimes don’t think we can change, are resistant to change, don’t know how to change or where to begin. I found this story and thought […]
Celebrate Life Today!!

Celebrate Life Today!! I was back home this past weekend and got to help my Nanny Celebrate 90 years young!!! How lucky am I?? Instead of waiting for milestones to celebrate life, living or anything – what could you do today to celebrate life – YOUR life? The fact that you got up and are […]

I don’t believe people are loooking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive!! Joseph Campbell What are you doing or could be doing to take you life, your living and anything else to another level of living??? Love tohear your thoughts JB
My Thoughts on Food

My Thoughts on Food I thought I would come clean on why I stepped back from food and creating recipes and teaching more about raw foods etc Besides there being so many food blogs, books, recipes, opinions, diets and classes out there – it has become a trend and almost a preoccupation. I was at a New Years […]
Winter Blahs

Winter Blahs Sometimes living in Canada during the winter months can gt pretty blah – especially here in Vancouver where it tends to rain a lot!! This fall / winter for me didn’t start out so great, actually pretty crappy, but new things, opportunities and more took over and things changed – they became great!! […]