$50 FREE Gift Card for Superfoods

$50 FREE Gift Card for Superfoods $50 FREE Gift Card for Superfoods at Purium – code is eatinghealthy (all one word) I normally don’t advertise like that but with all what is going on in North America with our food and eating healthy has become a make work project that should be easy and it’s […]


Update     Just wanted to update you on where David and I are on their road trip! Wow the last couple of weeks have been busy, have had some great things happening, met some amazing people, and am seeing how the weather is in Florida in the summer – lets say it’s hot and […]


Superfoods Here is it, my list of Superfoods that I love. What makes a Superfood? It’s nutrient dense. It’s also better if it’s live, organic and non-gmo but especially nutrient dense – that is why it’s called a Superfood. It confuses me when I google Superfoods and I get Broccoli, Eggs, Blueberries…….I don’t think so!!! […]

Ditch the Dieting

Ditch the Dieting Forever! Just look at the word ‘die t’ Doesn’t that say a lot on it’s own? How about healthy eating? What about feeding the body? Nourishing the body? Providing the body with the right nutrients so that it thrives, you thrive as through that you will feel and look fabulous. There is […]

Purium Superfood Treats

Purium Superfood Treats

Purium Superfood Treats   Since I use an love Purium an  the Ignite Road Trip  is on and about half way through the tour with 100’s of people c coming out, I thought I would include this recipe!! If you are curious about Purium, why Purium, why green foods, why David Sandoval or Amy Venner […]

Lost in August

Lost in August Wow – Summer has flown by!! Maybe because I’ve been travelling and still am – meeting some amazing people, seeing some great new laces, restaurants and food – of course healthy food!! I sometimes wonder if I am making a difference in the world or people’s lives as I think that people […]

Super Foods for Super People

Super Foods for Super People I just had an older video clip with David Sandoval shared with me and I had to share it with others as it is totally about eating healthy!! In this short clip he talks about models, anorexia, bulimia, why superfoods and the rewards for eating this way! How the 10 […]

Does Natural Mean Healthy??

Does Natural Mean Healthy?? As you may (or may not) know I have been travelling for the past 6 weeks. In that traveling time we found out about the Anaheim Natural Food Expo and what an adventure!! Glad we stayed the extra days – 3 full days – and we only saw a little more […]

Want to Look AND Feel great Naked??

Want to Look AND Feel Great Naked?? 10 Days New Have YOU heard of the 10 Day Transformation ? The first thing you need to know is this is your best natural way to jump start your weight loss, reset your metabolism, increase your energy, stop processed food addictions, end bad eating habits, reduce or eliminate […]

Creating a Health Movement to Make a Difference

Creating a Health Movement Take a  step to a healthier mind and body. Join the health movement.  Take a stand on eating healthy, organic and Non-GMO foods.  Together we can make the world healthier and happier. Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and please feel free to share it with anyone who […]

Greens – FREE Giveaway!!

Greens – FREE Giveaway Famous saying goes: “We are what we eat”, or really what we can assimilate. The more you eat sugar, hydrogenated oils and processed foods as an example, the unhealthier your body becomes.   Even though you might not sense the negative changes immediately, you can be sure that your body will charge […]