Chocolate, Banana & Coconut Smoothie

I seem to be on a Chocolate theme this month, so I’ve added in with my smoothie too!! Maybe it’s because for the first time I have not been baking up all the treats I usually do!! I was in the big city the other day and not only did I find young coconuts but […]

I just wanted to touch a bit on blenders. Not everyone can afford or wants to invest in a high price blender like a Vitamix or Blendtec, so what are some hints and those are not any affiliate links there!! 🙂 Here is a photo of the blender I have used and has worked great […]
Apple – Pear Green Smoothie

Here is another variety for a Green Smoothie, that I think is yummy!! 1 organic Apple – peeled & cut up a litte 1 organic Pear – peeled & cut up a little Big handful of Spinach (that is my favorite but Kale or any other greens are fine) 1/2 Avocado 1 Banana ( I […]
Blackberry Green Smoothie

Ok ok you can’t have a green smoothie if you add blackberries!!!! As you will see from my You Tube video yesterday, we are having an abundant of blackberries around us right now, actually they get out of control!! You may not be able to go in your backyard and pick them, but they are […]
Super Simple Green Smoothie

Now it can’t get much easier than this, and since it’s summertime, greens and lettuce are abundant. I was able to walk out into my small garden and just pick the lettuce, now how awesome is that!! 2 Banana’s Big bunch of lettuce Water or almond mylk, now of course the mylk will make it […]
Banana 'Not so Green' Smoothie
Banana Smoothie Most of the smoothies I make I use water but sometimes a creamier texture one is really good. This is a good one for kids as you can sneak in the greens and they don’t even know it!!! So it doesn’t look green, I use Cacao so it has a good chocolate taste!! […]
Dandelion Green Smoothie

Dandelion Green Smoothie I decided to branch out and try one of my early morning Green Smoothies with Deandelion Greens since this is the time to do it. It’s Springtime, almost summer and Dandelions are in season. Now, I don’t know if I would go picking the ones in your yard unless you know they […]
Some More Food for Thought
Here is a couple little ideas on my latest video to get you started on spring cleaning or just to start cleaning up what you’re eating!!
Green Smoothies

For me Smoothies are easy to make, great way to start the day and also an incredible way to get more leafy greens into one’s diet and we all need more of that!!! Here is a basic recipe couple of bananas ( they add favor and a little more creamier texture, Iadd some frozen and […]
15 Smoothies in 3 Mins
If you like Green Smoothies or want to get more greens in our diet, then this is a short, fun video from the Boutenko Family!!! And they are yummy!!! (not to mention good for you). Watch here