Why We do Yoga is Now on Amazon
Why We do Yoga is Now on Amazon It’s true! Why We Do Yoga is now available on Amazon kindle. Later this year it will be out in hard copy and it’s also available on my site in ebook fashion! My intention behind this book was to create great awareness of why we do, […]
Re-Programming What does it mean to re-program? Being someone that has struggled with an eating disorder when younger and now realizing I need to share my story and bring awareness so others can overcome their struggles with food, body issues or low self esteem. Dr’s don’t know how to work with this situation and the […]
Consciousness – Yoga – Photography
Consciousness – Yoga – Photography Quite the combination eh? You are probably wondering how that came about?
Over the years, with many modalities, workshops, reading and from experiences has come learning and growing. I have dived into consciousness and quantum physics off and on over the years not always understanding it. People use the words, yet I feel very few people truly embody it.
What I have and still am learning with an eating disorder it goes much deeper into the psyche than I ever realized, so it’s become more of my mission to dive even deeper in.
Raw, Naked and Beautiful
Raw, Naked and Beautiful Have been on the Sunshine most lately and this past week I had no internet, a great time and way to decompress (well sort of, helped a friend move), connect with nature (found an Eagle feather – always a great sign), hang with my dog and really think about […]
Beauty From the Inside Out
Beauty From the Inside Out What does beauty from the inside out really mean? As you know I love eating healthy, and helping, guiding, inspiring others to do the same. We have been so programmed and lied to by tv, advertising and hidden agendas from corporations that are for profits not health – that it’s […]
Be YOU!! Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Let your unique qualities shine through. There is no one like you – not ever before or will be again. Embrace the uniqueness and let it shine through. Be YOU!! Love Yourself Today Jodi Burke
US Government Shutdown??
US Government Shutdown?? I usually don’t watch or listen to the news as you can tell by the title it’s all good stuff!! lol For me though, it’s just a reinforcement of why I love working for myself, being an entrepreneur and taking my future and my kids futures into my own hands…….there is NO […]
Pushing Boundaires
Pushing Boundaires When was the last time you pushed yourself through your comfort zone a little further, a little more and pushed yourself out of the same old, same old? Move closer to your goals, a life your truly would love to have……no matter how small that may seem – just think where you could […]
Creating Your Reality
Creating Your Reality So it’s been a couple of weeks since posting but boy have I been busy!! Not necessarily living life on my terms yet I did create it as I asked for it and got it – funny how that happens eh?? We are strong creators – we create everything, every moment in […]
Beautiful Living is Super Simple… Be Happy Today!!!
Beautiful Living is Super Simple……..Be Happy Today!!! So often we put off things thinking one day, or we clutter our lives we too much ‘stuff’. Being able to purge after this move has been amazing – I have only kept things that make me happy and I love and love using. It’s so freeing – […]
It All Starts With YOU…….
It All Starts With YOU……. I spent the month of July couch surfing between a couple of friends as my place wasn’t ready to move into until the end of July and I spent a few days – ok a little longer 🙂 reflecting on my intentions and my direction and where I was going […]
FREE Recipe Books
FREE Recipe Books Hello Everyone I just wanted to share with everyone the chance to download my 2 recipe kindle books for FREE Sat & Sun July 20 & 21 – my gift to YOU!!! Here are just a couple of samples of the recipes you will find in both books that are easy to […]