
Consciousness has no religion, no belief, no ideology, no gender, no sexuality, no race, no age, no nationality, no judgments……….You ARE Consciousness!! After spending much time, as I shared in my last couple of posts digging in and doing some deep inner work this past year – I have also been diving into Quantum Physics […]
Some Self Love Inspiration

Some Self Love Inspiration Some Self Love Inspiration for your day!! Want to meet the love of your life? Go look in the mirror. -Byron Katie People will come and go in your life – the only true constant will be you so BE GOOD to yourself! Perhaps we should […]
Higher Vibes

Higher Vibes What are Higher Vibes? Vibes is short for Vibration – if Everything is Energy then everything has a vibration – what is the difference between high vibes and low vibes? Here are some examples: Higher Vibrations or vibes that will help Raise Your Vibration: Leafy Greens Real Foods Raw Foods Daily Upbeat […]
Higher Vibe Living

Higher Vibe Living What exactly is High Vibes? Why did I change my tag line? I will be short here as while I was writing the post it got way too long lol way too much to share!! In short for this post: Everything is Energy and therefore everything has vibration!! We need to raise […]