The Story of Cosmetics

I don’t know about you, but I care about what I put in my body for the most part and I also care about what I put on it. Over the years I have tried to find healthy products but learned along the way that many store brands weren’t being totally honest or I would […]

What ARE you putting on your body???

After reading last post’s on David Suzuki’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ cosmetic chemcials to avoid, this is just to go a little further. Everyday, we slather ourselves with lotions, potions and liquids from shampoos to soap to deodorant to make up.  After all, we want to look, smell and feel good.  But did you also know, that […]

Organic Cheaters Exposed……….

Organic cheaters exposed by public protest at health products trade show……..great article by by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of Not Sure if your product is on the list or not, read Mike’s article here.  It frustrates me when I go to the store and purchase products for myself and family thinking they […]

Why Organic???

You are what you eat and your skin is the largest organ of the body, everything you eat makes a difference and everything you put on your skin gets absorbed into the bloodstream.  For me, if I am going to eat healthy& raw, I want it to be organic as often as possible, and I […]