
I got up this morning in a funk, ever have one of those days?? So I headed down to the beach with my dog Spirit and sat and reflected on some things going on in my life.  Now, I don’t know if any of you believe in the spirit world or what happens after a […]

Getting Started in Raw Foods

What is Raw Foods? – uncooked – it’s not heated above 118F / 42C – it’s fresh and unprocessed – organic as much as possible Why not cooked foods? Cooked foods actually destroys all the vitamins, nutrients, minerals, oxygen rich & enzymes which is the life force or ‘spark of life’. It becomes dead food, […]

Raw 'Meatless' Wraps

Another short video on a quick, easy, healthy and Raw snack or even dinner!! Enjoy and please feel free to share with friends or leave any comments!! To Your Health Jodi

Raw 'Meatless' Meat

I talk about this recipe in the video to follow.  The other night everyonein my house wanted fajita’s, which I do love, but since committing to as much raw or live foods as possible I wanted to get even more creative and this is what I came up with. I am one that gets ideas […]

Pesto Sauce

Raw Pesto Sauce I was at the market the other day and there was an abundance of Basil and fresh Garlic – perfect for making pesto. 2 bunches basil leaves (no stems) 2 – 3 garlic cloves squeeze of 1/2 lemon 3/4 cup cold pressed olive oil nuts are optional, I usually use them, but […]

Why Orgnic??

A word on Organic You are what you eat and your skin is the largest organ of the body, everything you put on it gets absorbed into the bloodstream, so for me, if I am going to eat healthy, raw and organic as often as possible, then I want to put healthy products on my […]

Quick Snack Ideas

Just a couple quick snack ideas to help you eat a little healthier!! Enjoy and please feel free to leave any comments!! To Your Health Jodi

Spaghetti Pie

I couldn’t find the original recipe for this one, so I made it off the top of my head last night for dinner, and it ended up tasting good, even my husband ate it!! (And no, he’s not a raw foodie, but will eat what I make and give me honest feed back!!!) I also […]

Raw…..What is it and Why??

What is Raw – Food that is!!! and Why Raw? Check out my latest videos on a quick intro to Raw Foods My next videos will go into more detail about Raw Foods, the basics, getting started especially since now is a good time to clean up our diet – it’s spring time!! Please feel […]