

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.                      –  Albert Einstein They say that reality is nothing but an illusion, What if it is? What and how are you creating?? Jodi


Reality Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one!   –  Albert Einstein   Reality is just your perception. It doesn’t mean it’s true – it’s just where you decided to focus your attention. Unfortunately it’s usually done through limiting programs, beliefs, points of views and perceptions. What IF……… You decided to let […]


Reality Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one!    –  Albert Einstein   This reality is an illusion.  The illusions is not the problem, it only becomes a problem when we think that this is the only reality. It’s useful to experience certain things yet there is so much more beyond this […]


Reality     Imagination is more important than knowledge.       – Albert Einstein   Read that again!!   Our reality is nothing but an illusion. Talk about a mind f*@&……….but it’s true. Nassim Haramein has proven that our so called ‘reality’ is nothing but a feed back loop for our thoughts – in other […]