
Love   I posted on my FB wall today the saying “Love is the absence of judgment“. Take a few minutes today to just reflect on that.  We usually first think of it when we are walking down the street and see someone who could be homeless, or dressed weird or has multiple tattoos and […]

Self Love & Food

Self Love & Food Self-love is important to living and eating well. Self love influences many areas of our lives.  Please don’t get it confused with a big ego or some arrogance, self love is none of that. Part of self love is truly knowing yourself and your values, its putting your self and needs […]


I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks as I had to fly home to Ontario for a little while and since then I have been left pondering a few things. My family suffered a loss of someone very dear and quite young, actually the same age as my daughter, they were 2 months apart. […]

What Do YOU See??

What Do YOU See?? When you look in the mirror at yourself do you look for and see your beauty, your greatness what you love most or that you are perfect just the way you are? OR Do you look in the mirror at yourself and see what you don’t like, what needs fixing, improving […]