Take Time
No matter what is going on around you, No matter how cold or crazy the world may seem, No matter how weird the weather gets, Always take time to nurture your body, mind & soul As it does matter whats going on from within you Jodi xo Started relearning composites – have a little ways […]
Many are now saying what some of the late greats like Tesla and Einstein knew, That Everything IS Energy. Just because one can’t see it, doesn’t mean a thing. This is a dense reality and much can’t be seen. If everything is energy, then everything has a frequency which means it vibrates, so it’s not […]
Let the Past Go
………is what the image reminds me of and just as I write this, I become aware that this image is from a few years ago as well. I pulled it out to do some tweaks as I am divi back into learning Photoshop for some more fun and creativity. As I look at this image, […]
I finally got back from Canada and still working on getting the chill out of me. Yes, I was there for the storm that came through Ontario and Quebec, lost power for 30 hours but it could have been much worse. It allowed quality family time So, it’s almost half way thru January […]
All You Creatives
That’s ALL of you. We were born playful, curious and creative yet somewhere along the way, many of us lost those qualities to a great degree. It’s time to go back to that by doing things that bring you joy. And do more of them, especially if it allows for creative expression. No matter in […]
A New day New age New thoughts New emotions New perspectives New beliefs New programs New energies New frequencies New reality New earth New ways of being It has to It’s always been about you though Your Thoughts Emotions Experiences Stories Boundaries Limitations Beliefs Programs Choices Creativity Fights Love Isn’t choice awesome That […]
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. ― Edgar Allan Poe It’s time to dream again. It’s time to shut off the tv, the news, the internet info and the vids. Most of what they do is imprint you with a narrative that is not for your highest good. […]
Books by Donation
Not sure if you know or not, but over the course of the last 10 years, I wrote some ebooks / kindle books along the way. They coincide with different stages in my life, being into energy therapies, vegan / raw foods, holistic health, alternative things, yoga, photography, spirituality, EFT ( & many other modalities), […]
The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. Most illness is just stress from not living in harmony. – Dr. Bruce Lipton It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware. Reality is merely an illusion, […]
Be Kind
Be Kind to Everyone For, we don’t know their journey, their past, their present, their story, their pain, their struggles, and it doesn’t matter For, in the current state of the world, no matter what, we need more kindness more than ever. Kindness goes a long way, you never know how that could touch someone. […]
Soul’s Purpose
Love is our Soul Purpose. – unknown Is to remember their truth. They are pure Love. Love is everything, yet nothing at the same time. No separation, as it’s formless, yet can become form. No labels, as it’s undefined, yet also can be defined if it chooses. It’s time to remember that, All […]
Heart – Mind Connection
You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. – George Michael The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. – Albert Einstein Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge […]