30 Days of Photos
30 Days of Photos It’s a challenge and an experiment. And I would love your help!! For me, Photography is not just a means to an end; it can be a transformative storytelling tool with the power to heal, inspire and awaken. The inspiration for my art comes from exploring and seeing the world […]
Are just an interesting point of view, it doesn’t mean they’re true! At any time can one open a door to a new possibility, a different reality, a different frequency. At any time can one let go of old stories, hurts judgments shame guilt pain and choose a different door. For all of those […]
What If………
What If……. every relationship was to reflect pieces back of yourself to yourself? What you liked and what you didn’t like you see in another and what you see that you like you be more of and what you see that you don’t like you look at what judgment, point of view or story […]
Ever Need a Hug…….
Ever Need a Hug…… from nature? That all supportive, non-judgmental loving warmth of an embrace just the way you are no matter! Nature doesn’t judge it’s too busy being alive with life. Put down all the technology aka cell phone and go spend some time in nature and see how you fel afterwards!! Jodi PS […]
Feeling Crazy??
Feeling Crazy?? Some people ever go crazy – what truly horrible lives they must lead!! – Charles Bukowski We re here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us! – unknown Don’t be offended when people tell you you’re crazy. Use […]
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror on the wall Who is the fairest one of all You are my dear I am? Yes As your outside world is just a reflection of Your inside world Therefore, always choose Love Starting with self And watch what happens in your life as long as the Love is pure……….. […]
Your Soul
Your Soul There is a light in your heart Ready to be lit There is an emptiness In your Soul Ready to be filled Can you hear it? Can you feel it? It’s time…….. Answer the stirring, As it’s your Soul Calling Calling you back home It’s time Reach out They are there Waiting […]
A New Chapter
A New Chapter Learn to trust the next chapter because you know the author So be true to you A new chapter can start any time you choose once you stop re-reading the last chapters……… after all it is YOUR life Jodi xo
Unpacking – Letting go
Unpacking – Letting Go I finally learned That the ‘spiritual journey’ had little to do with doing yoga, being nice eating healthy wearing the right labels needing a label for identity or conformity………. It’s all about self discovery letting go of the past the hurts the regrets the should haves and being able to […]
Time to Start Unpacking
Time to Start Unpacking In life and living the choice is always ours to whether or not to leave our baggage as is or to unpack it The baggage represents all our past hurts, regrets, deceptions, traumas and more They are over done except by holding on to the story the energies stay alive […]
Could It Be……
Could It Be…….. It is not our truth or our path to suffer, We have just forgotten, We are more powerful than we know, and we can chose things that help ease the journey, that allow us to live our passion and grow, To be our truth and express who we be Could […]
Let That Shit Go
Let That Shit Go What comes from the deepest part of me? The things that long to connect with me to set me free. Free of limitations, constructs, programs, old stories or anything else that denies me my truth, my being, my existence or my power. When did I supress myself? When I bought […]