Cleansing It’s been a little bit since I posted, I actually have been doing some cleansing – physically, emotionally and therefore spiritually as well. I went down to Florida for 2 weeks and while I was there, everything I ate felt like 3 bagels in the stomach – so my digestion was off and so […]
My Soul Wanted Growth
My Soul Wanted Growth My Soul Wanted Growth……..have you ever been in a situation that maybe didn’t make sense to you at the time but looking back on it later the clarity is more vivid? In December when I came down to Mexico to house sit, in the first 2 weeks I was here […]
Raising Your Vibration
Raising Your Vibration What does raising your vibration mean to begin with!? Everything is Energy – Science is proving that, Quantum Physics is proving that – from the chair you sit in, to the plate you eat off, the kind of food you do eat, the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. When […]
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga Have you ever tried a Yin Yoga class? Years ago there you would have never found me doing a Yin class – but that is when I probably needed it the most. I was always busy doing something and on the go. I did a lot in my day, I was busy doing and […]