The Adventure Begins
Mexico street



Well it’s been a little over a week since I arrived in Mexico and wow what a week!  My adventure truly has begun!

For many of you, you have may have travelled outside of North America – but embarrassing as that may be yes it’s my first time and I am immersed right in Mexican culture.  I am learning about the peso, Spanish and how friendly and nice the people are.
Mexican Store


In the week since I’ve been here and getting my feet wet so to say I’ve had my Birthday where I was treated to a Mexican lunch on the water and massage with a little walk about in the tourist but very Mexican part of town.
Preparing Coconuts

I got a mini tour of Guadalajara, which that downtown makes Vancouver seems like a town – oh my!!  Great old Spanish style architecture and an old big church.  I also got to meet a family that for 5 generations have been hand painting pottery.  I got  tour of space that is the same place still over all those years.  It takes days to paint a piece and they are well known as Harper and Obama with the Mexican President all used their plate ware etc  They have been written up all over the world.  What a treasure!


I’ve been to a few markets, walked many cobblestone roads, watched some great sunsets, ate some Mexican food and even took the local bus!

I realize how fortunate we are in North American and well take things for granted!
Mexican market


During this week Mercury also went Retrograde and it’s an extremely powerful time more so than other retrogrades.


The day Mercury went retrograde my long time buddy Spirit passed over into spirit form – not easy being where I was and having to make a decision, but my dear friend who has known Spirit since I got him as a puppy and the co-parent of Spirit (and yes our kids) were there, I couldn’t have asked for anything better – he knew he was greatly loved.  We have been so blessed to have him for almost 14 years – he was a great dog.   He was a gentle dog yet his wildness came out when protecting the property from bears.  He probably set a record for chasing and or treeing many bears!


Coincidence he decided that that day was the day to pass over?? I don’t think so, he was part wolf and extremely smart!

I also gave up my Mushroom Bullet coffee morning ritual………..holy shit not much going on in my world!!

I share that with you as I am setting the stage for 2017.

What do I mean by that?

This Mercury Retrograde is about letting go of things, beliefs, ways that no longer serve you.  I have also been diving in deep to my values, my future, why am I here, how do I want to be of service, what is my purpose and how do I operate in this world.  How much of the world is set up doesn’t work for many of us. I have been studying and learning Human Design as it’s been the best thing for me to know me better. It has answered so many questions about me. My truth is about being more authentic in the world and helping others see their truth and know who they really are and their beauty and uniqueness.  I’ve deepen my knowledge of quantum physics, parallel universes and of course energy!!

Everything is Energy and we ARE  Energy!

We spend approximately 1/3 of our life working – are you happy doing what you love or are you collecting a pay check?

We are all highly intuitive – are you following your intuition?

Do you really know who you are or how you want to be in the world?

Do you have a vision, a very clear strong vision of your future, how you want to live, be doing etc?

The moon is in Sagg – which is my sign – its expansive and all about truth and  adventure.

It’s a BIG transition going on right now, so if you are feeling the energy good!

Dive in, ask yourself some questions, journal, meditate, cry, dance, move your body, love more and during the holidays try to eat healthy!

Had to throw that in 🙂  by ignoring what you’re intuitively feeling or picking up on by overeating, eating a lot of sugar sweets or one too many cocktails January will be hard for you.
Eat More Real Foods


Ask yourself these questions – Are you in love with your life? and Are you in Love with YOU!?? (not egotistically speaking)

This is the time to tap into you, get out of the friggin box, and get creative – if you wanted to work for yourself NOW is the best time.

2017 is going to be an amazing year for people to expand, wake up, truths to be exposed and for many of us to claim our uniqueness, our beauty and our power.

Will you be joining in?

Thanks for stopping by!




PS  If you have not heard of Human Design and are wanting answers in your life, about yourself or how you operate in the world my services will be up soon!!