What if…………..
our body suit is like putting on a Halloween costume and going to a Halloween party, yet we forgot that and won’t leave the party!!
We think it’s pretty awesome at the party and want to stick around longer and keep experiencing it!! Yet, most, if not all of us through our experiences and multiple life times, through much of what we experienced, we created what is called karma, therefore, in order to clear the karma, we have to keep coming back here. Which we forget about and seldom, if ever clear the karma and because we forgot totally what else is out there (way beyond Planet Earth) that is so friggin good, that all of this here would be like walking thru the ghetto in East harlem, or better yet India.
Yeah, I kid you not!
We stay as we forget we can leave, it’s a party and we do have choice. Oh and that darn karma, needs to be cleared, which can be easy!
We forget it all.
Even that our body is just a costume, an avatar suit. Notice every time we are here, we change costumes? (well if you can remember the other times, your life times, that is) Yet, once we put on that costume, that avatar suit on, we forget that.
And that is part of the game also, forgetting our truth.
It makes it harder.
The avatar suit becomes our identity, yet it’s not us. Everything is for the body – clothing, food, housing, etc, we do spend much of our time caring for our body, yet there is more! Each one is unique, different and beautiful. We should never spend time competing, hating it or trying to change it. Keep it healthy, yes but it is a gift from Souce – honour it!!
Another way to look at it is, to be putting on the things that make a game seem like a virtual reality game. You, the player, put on the glasses and gloves and anything else to make that game seem ooooooh so real. And it does! Just as consciousness projects it’s awareness into a 3D physical suit – aka costume or avatar suit.
Which creates you, and you, and you and me and………..well, everything else. as everything IS energy!
Cool eh??!
If we thought about it this way, we may start having a little more fun along the way and stop taking it all so seriously!!
A Story of Our Souls – Remembering Love is a good intro to more of you!