The Soul Journ

The start of the Soul Journ
Today is my daughter’s and step sister’s – excuse me – my sister from another mister…..birthdays. Kesley turns 21 years old and is somewhere out in the ocean. She left last week to head to Sydney Australia where she is working on a cruise line between Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Asia……..pretty cool!
My son has been travelling for the past 3 months over in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bali and is going to Australia this week where he will meet up with my parents and spend Christmas with them and my brother and his family who live there.
Me – first time out of North America I am embarrassed today but get to spend my 51st birth day where it’s hot and Christmas…… will be new, exciting, different and possibly moments of loneliness being solo at this time.
All good!
It’s a bit of an attitude right now that it’s all about me………..:) ok not totally but you get the idea!

I am a Saggattarian at heart – we love our freedom and travel and what I have learned about my sign, and my type and profile through Human Design is so me to the core smooch so it was like I finally found something that could explain who I am better than I could lol
This has been calling me at a Soul level…….that whispering, that urging, that internal desire.
Part of this Soul Journ is about adventure and travel yet also getting to know me so much deeper and intimate – no distractions and to study Yoga and Human Design as I will be offering that service soon – I feel it is a big missing piece for many people who want to understand themselves more, know their path, their truth or why maybe things have not been working for them.
I also want to know how others eat and eat healthy and how I can too outside what North America considers ‘healthy’ and try different foods!
I know in my heart I am a highly creative person yet I have not been able to truly express that – sometimes getting caught up in survival mode (as I did as a single mom) or trying to fit into a society where some of us aren’t truly designed for – it was a breath of fresh air to really realize that and be ok with it!! I can’t wait to be photographing my journey and what I am seeing – and sharing it for the pleasure of just doing it!

The road less travelled!
Life is too short and after the 3 road trips prepping me :)……..the spark was re-ignited and it’s time!
I can’t wait to share some of my journey and many photos as this Soul Journ could be 6 weeks, 6 months or…………..
It’s all about being in the moment, trusting and growing!!
Off to catch a plane now!