The Ups and Downs of Travelling

Just arrived back after travelling for approximately 11 weeks, through 17 states and almost 7000 miles…………’s been incredible yet not always easy!! lol Oh the ups and downs of travelling!!
For the most part it’s been fantastic. Saw many places I’ve never seen before, met many new friends, connected with dear friends, wore flip flops lots, took many pictures, found lots of great markets, ate amazing foods (yes while travelling and I will post on that!) and then a few little hiccups that aren’t worth mentioning but some did prevent me from being on the internet like my hard drive crashing YET I did save most of my stuff!!

I will share more of our travels and photos in upcoming posts – I took so many photos as we had so many amazing adventures!!

So many photos – I don’t even know where to begin. I know I probably could have posted more along the way, but while travelling we did stay at places with no internet often, which was a tad frustrating but also awesome – it allowed me to unplug more, be more present, get more into my creative juices and just be and create space where I could explore what I truly desire – not from a materialistic stance but one of feeding my soul, listening to heart, what gets my juices flowing type of space.

I love travelling. There are so many places to see, people to meet, next experiences to have that life is just too short!!
My kids are off travelling and have probably seen more of the world than I have.
Yes I got the bug and I am very fortunate to be able to travel due to having businesses that allow me to work or not wherever I am.

While travelling this time, and having little internet access – which btw, I have found a great solution for and will be able to share more next month – has allowed me time to really dive into some things. Since meeting some incredible people – people who are out of the box thinkers, creators and livers – in other words they truly embody who they really are, live from the heart and their truth and live healthy lives truly inspired me to up my role in my life. I have been feeling flat lined in areas of my life and a sluggishness – it’s either what I added in to my way of eating or how I am thinking now and being or both – either way it’s great.

I have always had an interest in the mystic side of things, health, alternative, quantum physics and it seems like now things are clicking faster and deeper. I am doing more yoga, currently on a 10 Day Transformation and allowing myself time each day to meditate, do breath work and have some creative fun – otherwise I get bored and bitchy!!
I am heading out again come December some time – possible house sitting gigs lining up and to do more travelling and get out of the grey rainy season that is now upon us on the West Coast. With my new phone I will have – posting and being on the internet will never be an issue again, I am so looking forward to taking many more photos and being on top of it better this time – this was like a trial run!!

I will be working on my Raw, Naked and Beautiful Project as that has become very clear to me that it needs to be finished and I will be starting another one to go along with it – which I can’t wait to share!!
There is nothing like feeling great, healthy and in love with oneself and life – not form an egoic sense but a true love that is deep and real.

There were many great things about this trip that all I can say is wow – can’t believe where the time went as it was incredible!!
Thanks for stopping by!!