
Just wanted to update you on where David and I are on their road trip!
Wow the last couple of weeks have been busy, have had some great things happening, met some amazing people, and am seeing how the weather is in Florida in the summer – lets say it’s hot and a storm almost every day due to such humidity so the lightening shows have been amazing!!
We have also had some personal things go on that have not been pleasant like getting news of a friend passing rather suddenly and a few other things that knock the wind out of you even though they are part of life – not the pleasant part.

We have been on a road trip for a month now, very little internet and no data on my phone – being Canadian down in the USA I just refuse to pay a big cell phone bill – so I can’t go on the internet as often and it’s made me realize how much I did go on the internet and Facebook and wasted time. I’ve also found a phone that is coming out soon that I can’t wait to share – 5G, in 122 countries that has unlimited talk, text and roaming plus 52 gigs of data a month all for $49………..I love disruptors and being a forward thinker!!
Taking time daily to nurture self and diving into yoga deeper (wearing the Firma Wear I just started carrying and I love love this clothing line!!
We were also at the Purium convention in early August in Orlando. To be honest I am not a big convention person personally – too many people and usually too much hype and bling type of shows which I’m just not into yet this was different. I have always loved Purium and the products – live, organic and non-gmo greens and superfoods which are so needed today (I will go into more later on what sets these products a part because there is a huge difference). Yet to hear that they are now switching (or will be as containers run out) to totally biodegradable packaging that is made from hemp, bamboo and tree resin as well as the little sample packs made my heart sing – a totally conscious company. Not to mention that in April at David Sandoval’s oasis there will be an Unconventional open to the public that really is of this tribe and to vendors who want to do healing work, sell their goods (no competition with Purium of course) and join in the fun – now how cool is that??
We’ve been spending time either at David’s mom’s place or my dad’s winter place both without internet – so the clubhouses have them, it’s not bad sitting by the pool side let me tell you!! Yet it’s just not as convenient – but if that is the only issue I am so fine with that!
We have caught sunrises at the beach, talked with a 97 year old man who’s reading books on how to live over 100 years – his secret – NO sugar or processed foods, daily sardines, plant based way of eating with meat once a month, 6 almonds, 1 cashew and 1 walnut daily plus he walks twice a day about 2 miles each time and has a wonderful attitude!!
Have sampled a few different beaches on the East Coast and the Gulf side of Florida – stopping by health food stores and having some great conversations with healthy like minded individuals. Attended some talks, found an amazing conscious, organic and non-gmo restaurant that had delicious food and ambience – I share that as we seldom go out to eat – while travelling most places to stop for food or restaurants are just crap – it’s really not food and we’re so used to creating our own dishes even while travelling and doing picnics we are actually spoiled now.
There really is such a huge difference between eating and feeding the body that once you are doing it you can never go back!!
Also because of some of the curve balls that have been thrown at us lately – deepening our relationship, our communication and really supporting one another through a few difficult times has been an incredible journey as well.
This time with little internet has let me dive deeper into me, my dreams, my fears, my goals, etc and what has been holding me back from truly creatively expressing who I am.
Dove into a great book and have to share it, it’s title is ‘When Did You Die?’ and you can read a free chapter here at www.Templeahyes.com – the book was a gift for David but I truly believe it was for me and now can’t wait to meet Temple – what an incredible lady!!
The reality is for me I now realize is that life is short, life is precious and we are not meant to struggle – if you are not loving what you are doing you have choice choose something else and choose it fast why waste your time – trading each minute, hour and day living a lie, doing things you don’t like doing, being miserable, hating life or people or what you are doing and needing to numb yourself through food, alcohol, drugs or anything else.
Life is getting me high – between eating clean and pure, digging up the roots that took me down a path of self destruction through an eating disorder and with it partying in my earlier years I lost a big part of me and never felt good enough……..not any longer……for the first time in my life I am actually connecting with my heart and true source.
I look forward to sharing more.
I also look forward to catching up with some women in the near future and continuing on with my project – the world needs us all to shine our light – are you ready??
PS – If you are in one of the Southern States and would like to connect and be part of the Raw, Naked and Beautiful project please contact me!
Will be back in Vancouver soon and looking to connect there as well!