Water is like Consciousness


Water – is a symbol

Water is the symbol of pure Consciousness.
– Frederick Lenz


Water – Ice – Steam

Our bodies are more than 70% water – easily programmable – shown by Dr Emoto Massaru.

The more aware we become – the more Conscious we become – awareness is Consciousness.

You can change that water into ice – closed heart, fear based, doubt, judgments criticisms etc or you can release all those lower, heavier, denser energies and become more like steam – Higher Vibrations of Love & Light – more etheric, more Joy, more Bliss.

Water in general flows – heathy, clean, pure spring water from Mother Earth is the best – it has not been programmed or tainted. Tap water and bottled water has – what do you choose?

If you are more than 70% water – then you can reprogram from where you are or don’t like or want in your life to what you do – connect with the heart it will guide you  – if you allow it.



PS And let go of that shit – it’s heavy!!

Water is Consciousness